Monday, June 22, 2015

The 10 Curl Commandments

We all have our own set of rules for how we walk the miles of life. Whether you follow the Biblical Ten Commandments, family values, or your own list of morals you endure life according to some source of standards. Well the same mentality should apply for your hair. Remember, it's discipline that will lead to a glorious life as a true naturalista. Some time ago I adopted the 10 Curl Commandments and I must say it brings the best out of my hair. So here they are:

10 Curl Commandments
  1. Thou shall sleep on a satin pillowcase.
  2. Thou shall detangle to protect thy perfect mane.
  3. Thou shall limit heat use on thy hair.
  4. Thou shall shampoo less.
  5. Thou shall condition, condition, and condition.
  6. Thou shall style when wet.
  7. Thou shall read the ingredients of the products thy uses.
  8. Thou shall leave it alone!
  9. Thou shall make sure to diffuse.
  10. Thou shall love thy hair no matter what!
I'd like to put some emphasis on number ten. Regardless if it is a bad hair day or the worst hair day ever, love your hair for what it is because it's yours! Everybody has a bad hair day every once in a while, I tend to have bad hair weeks, but it doesn't take away from the beauty you carry on top of your head. Believe in your hair, it will be one of the longest relationships of your life! 

    Signing off, a true naturalista. 

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