Sunday, July 26, 2015

Don't Touch My Hair!

I've had many awkward hair moments. The one encounter most of us naturalistas have experienced is when a random person asks to touch your hair. I couldn't even count how many times that question has been asked by someone of little or no association with me. If you're not familiar with this scenario I'll run it down for you. While minding your own business, a random person approaches you and says "oh my gosh can I touch your hair?" Meanwhile you're in the process of saying "no", but their fingers have already made it to your hair. Don't get me wrong it can be flattering when it comes with a compliment, but for the most part this "petting" moment is awkward and annoying.

Why do people do this? I'm still not sure why others feel the need to express their curiosity by "petting". I understand that natural hair is interesting and attention grabbing, but do us all a favor and keep your hands to yourselves. What's the big deal? Let's be clear, this is a violation of personal space when you don't get permission. Furthermore, naturalistas are not a special type of breed. We do not enjoy the "polite pet" as if we are animals at the zoo. Sorry, I know natural hair is fascinating but the dozens of rude people before you ruined it. So no, you cannot touch my hair!

For all my naturalistas who understand my exasperation, this one is for you.

Signing off, a true naturalista.

1 comment:

  1. This has happened to me, but with children, and in another country. Not the same, but weird, nonetheless.
